Sonar Kids – Cosmocaixa 2011
Originaly concieved as a workshop for Sonar Kids, in CosmoCaixa, we are currently developing new instruments for kids, that explore interactiviy between music and visual arts.
A performer draws, paints or cuts out an instrument. A camera placed on top of this turntable or surface captures it and the software generates sound according to certain parameters such as the technique used (paint, pencil, cut-out), color, thickness of the stroke, continuity or roughness of the shape, etc.
Computer vision is used to process the image input and map it to sound.
is a simple sequencer for kids. You can change the patterns by placing objects on a table. Each color is a note.
A Barcelona Laptop Orchestra rehearsal using wuColorSequencers
A performer paints or places objects on a running turntable. A camera placed on top of this turntable captures it and the software generates sound according to certain parameters such as the technique used (paint, pencil, cut-out), color, thickness of the stroke, continuity or roughness of the shape, etc.
Interface de cartró:
Els controls que l’ usuari inventi, retalli, pinti o dibuixi sobre un paper es converteixen automàticament en controls reactius que fan sonar un sintetitzador.
El software captura automaticament el que l’ usuari suggereix i ho mapeja com a controlador del so. Un dispositiu Kinect detecta quan els dits toquen els controls dibuixats o retallats i modifica l’ audio en conseqüència, convertint el paper en una touch screen.
Piano de cartró:
Similar a l’ anterior, en aquest cas es tracta d’ un piano polifònic. Un cop retallat i col.locat sobre la taula, el software s’ encarregarà de fer-lo sonar quan detecti que l’ usuari hi posa els dits al damunt.