Originaly concieved as a workshop for Sonar Kids, in CosmoCaixa, we are currently developing new instruments for kids, that explore interactiviy between music and visual arts.
Us convidem a tots a un esdeveniment molt especial per nosaltres que tindrà lloc el proper dijous 16 de juny a les 13h: un concert simultani (!) al Liceu i al festival Sònar. La meitat de l’Orquestra actuarem a la Sala Foyer del Liceu en el marc de la tercera edició de la Network Performing Arts […]
Singer Mariona Sagarra asked us to join her for a performance. We developed a small app to be able to paint and let the painting become alive with animation.
Projects and experiments for interactive installations using Kinect sensor with Openframewokrs. Commissioned by Visual Royale (Café Royale). Interactive Installation for the entrance to Cafe Royale. Newton’s Relativist Nightmare Dancing Boxer or Boxing Dancer.
An audio-visual instrument. Play a sound cloud with body gestures. Specially developed for the concert of Sons del Sud, a collaboration between Barcelona Laptop Orchestra and Institut Goethe.
La Roda is a multi-player instrument. It’s a turn-based acumulative sound-editing engine. Based on the chinese whispers game, it was conceived as a collective improvisational tool.
An audio-visual sampler/loopstation. Audio and video are captured in real-time and samples are handled through an interface or with an external remote controller via ethernet.
Video sampler, interactive video controller or interactive movie device, it was thought as an instrument to make dead singers sing again.
Digital turntable. This was born from the need of some kind of device to scratch digital audio on stage, that was easy to carry along and that did not depend on the hardware available at the gig site.
Un monje preguntó a Zhaozhou, un maestro zen chino “¿Tiene un perro la naturaleza de Buda o no?”, Zhaozhou respondió: “wú”